This page is provided for demonstration purposes to give a first impression on what can be achieved by using services from the FAIR Data Commons Portfolio. It offers a growing number of generic demonstrator UIs, which can be also deployed elsewhere if they already fit your purpose. Otherwise, they may serve as basis for implementing domain-specific user interfaces based on the underlying base services and their functionalities. For more information about a particular service, please visit our FAIR Data Commons Portfolio Webpage or contact us if you have further questions.
Before you start trying out one the demonstrators listed below, we want to provide you with some information about this setup. All demonstrators are meant to be used for testing purposes and therefore come with some limitations, which are:
- Request sizes are limited to 100MB and have a timeout of 5 seconds.
- There is only one user ( demo, demo) for demonstrators requiring to login for certain operations. Thus, your uploaded data is also visible to others.
- All demonstrators are reset automatically every day at midnight (CET). So don't expect your data to be available the next day.